find out what is going on inside my head. i know it is a little scary, but you will be safe. i promise.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Do I Do With My Ray Boltz CD's?

In case you haven't heard, 1990's award winning Christian music star Ray Boltz has publicly identified himself as a homosexual. Click here for more information. He is perhaps best known for his evangelism and missions oriented hit song, "Thank You". This was a big hit the first time I was in college (but that is another post for another day). Check out this video of that song:

He wrote, recorded, and released a number of songs that have been an example and encouragement for Christians around the world. These songs were clearly designed to bring glory to the God he was apparently trying to serve. Does this revelation negate the value of these songs over the past twenty years? That is a difficult question to answer. The reality is that most of the current generation probably does not know who Ray Boltz is. They have quite possibly never heard much of his music. This is also the generation that is least likely to find his sexual orientation problematic. On the flipside (note the musical reference), I suspect a great many individuals who were influenced by his music will be slow to hear this news.

Is there a place for his music now? I think so. Clearly, his homosexual lifestyle, along with the divorce from his wife, is sin. At this time, he has chosen not to see this as sin. He sees it as the way God created him. If he should choose to acknowledge his sin and seek forgiveness, he should be reconciled to the church and accepted as any brother who returns. We have seen this many times in the Christian music industry. Several years ago, Michael English admitted to an affair he was involved in with another singer who was also married. After some time, English repented and went through a time of restoration. Some acknowledge their sin and some do not. I pray Ray Boltz does.

By the way, I do not have any of his CD's. When he was first popular, I was still buying cassettes. All my tapes are long gone. I sure don't miss those days.

Do you remember other Ray Boltz songs? What is your favorite? Which of his songs have had an impact on you life or spiritual journey? Tell us about it!

Grace & Peace



Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

My favorite is "Thank You". We played this at my Great Aunt's funeral. She always taught Sunday School, and impacted so many lives. There was even a grown man at the funeral who expressed these exact words to my father, about his aunt. It was very touching. She was a Powerhouse for the Lord. I can't imagine the thousands who greeted her in heaven, to say "thank you". What a testimony. It is very convicting to me. Will there be someone to say "thank you" to me? Humm....

Liz said...

oh-my-gosh! I had NOT heard about this! I am shocked to the core. Wow.

He also sang 'Watch the Lamb', which was another big one back in the same era that 'Thank You' came out. wow. I'm stunned, but like you, I pray that he recognizes his sin & repents.