find out what is going on inside my head. i know it is a little scary, but you will be safe. i promise.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jesus as a Vending Machine

I was thinking about prayer this morning. I don't know what brought these thoughts to mind. I will admit that I do feel a little guilty. Don't get me wrong. I pray. I am a full-time student, so it is like the old joke goes: as long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools. I am a husband and father. I pray for my wife and sons. Maybe we all go through a slump now and then. Right now, my prayer life feels more duty driven than out of love and joy and a desire to commune with my Creator and Savior. Does this mean I should not pray, since it seems to be mostly out of duty? I think not! Maybe that is the time I need most to pray. Perhaps that is the time need to pray, forcing myself away from my selfish focus on how I feel and what I want and to move my focus onto what God wants for me. Maybe so.

Does this video illustrate your prayer life? If it does, I pray you will join me in moving your focus from yourself to the only One who deserves our focus.

1 comment:

Liz said...

What a great video!